----=== AMX Super 3.7 ===--- To jeden z najlepszych pluginów dla Admina na serwer CS Dodaje wiele możliwości "karania" n00b'ów i dzieci NEO Plugin był pisany dla amxx 1.76d (jeszcze nie został zaupdatowany - ale mi działał bez zarzutów, po kompilacji oczywiście
JAK ZAINSTALOWAĆ 1.plik(i) *.amxx wrzucasz do addons/amxmodx/plugins 2.plik amx_super.txt wrzuć do addons/amxmodx/data/lang 3.otworz plik plugins.ini i dodaj wszystkie nazwy dodanych amxx 4.reset serwera i juz dziala
KONFIGURACJA bardzo prosta wszystkie cvar'y wraz z wyjasnieniem sa w amx_super.cfg (folder config - otworz przez notatnik, tam też są cvar'y dla admin slash i HPK)
Good/Fun ADMIN HEAL v0.9.3 by f117bomb, revised by JTP10181 -- Gives health to players. ADMIN ARMOR v1.0 by JTP10181 -- Gives armor to players. ADMIN REVIVE II v0.1 by SniperBeamer, revised by Bo0m! -- Revives dead players. ADMIN NOCLIP v1.0 by Bo0m! -- Gives players noclip. ADMIN GODMODE v1.0 by Bo0m! -- Give players godmode. ADMIN TELEPORT v0.9.3 by f117bomb, revised by JTP10181-- Teleport to a certain spot x y z ADMIN STACK v0.9.3 by f117bomb -- Stacks all players on someone's head. ADMIN ALLTALK v1.0 by BigBaller -- Sets alltalk. ADMIN GRAVITY v0.2 by JustinHoMi -- Sets gravity. ADMIN MONEY v1.0 by XxAvalanchexX with additions from Bo0m! -- Gives (or takes) money from players. ADMIN WEAPON II Build 6.5 by SniperBeamerGirthesniperMeatwad, revised by Bo0m! -- Gives players weapons. ADMIN AMMO v1.0 by V3x, revised by Doombringer/Deviance -- Give/Take Unlimited Ammo ADMIN SPEED vv1.0 by X-olent (Turbo) ADMIN Glow vv1.1 by Remo Williams Rewritten by X-olent
Bad/Management ADMIN BURY v0.9.3 by f117bomb, revised by Bo0m! -- Buries players in the ground. ADMIN DISARM v1.1 by mike_cao, revised by Bo0m! -- Strips players of their weapons. ADMIN UBER SLAP v0.9.3 by BarMan (Skullz.NET) -- Slaps players through the air until they have 1 health (and probably die from a fall). ADMIN SLAY 2 v0.9.3 by f117bomb, revised by JTP10181 -- Like slay, only with special effects! ADMIN ROCKET v1.3 by f117bomb, revised by JTP10181 -- Turns players into rockets! ADMIN FIRE v1.0.0 by f117bomb -- Sets players on fire! ADMIN QUIT v1.0 by Bo0m! -- Forces players to close their game. ADMIN GAG v1.8.3 by EKS -- Gags players from speaking or using the voicecomm. ADMIN FLASH v1.0 by AssKicR, rewritten by Bo0m! -- Flashbangs players. ADMIN DRUG v1.0 by X-olent ADMIN BAD AIM 1.3 by Twistedeuphoria ADMIN TEAM LOCK v1.3 by Bmann_420, revised by Doombringer/Deviance -- Allows teams to be locked ADMIN TRANSFER v1.0 by Deviance -- Transfer players to diff teams, swap teams, and swap players ADMIN EXEC 2 v0.3 by v3x -- Executes commands on players.
Server ADMIN STATUS by Zor -- Shows detailed player information in a MOTD window. ADMIN SERVER PASSWORD v1.0 by Sparky911 -- Sets a server password. ADMIN SERVER SHUTDOWN v1.0 by Remo Williams, revised by Bo0m! -- Shuts off the server and makes players reconnect for quick fixes. ADMIN CHECK v1.15 by OneEyed -- Type /admin to see what admins are in the server ADMIN MAP EXTEND v1.1 by JSauce -- amx_extend the current map ADMIN LISTEN v2.3 by Psychoguard, rewritten by Maxim and ported by Oj@eKiLLzZz deb/urandom ADMIN VOCOM v1.3 by toazron1 Revised by X-olent CHANGE TO SPEC AND BACK v1.0 Origional code by Regalis, Revised by Exolent ENTER/LEAVE MESSAGES v1.0 by by [Kindzhon] China Revised by Bmann_420 and X-olent DAMAGE DONE v0.4 by Manip, revised by JTP10181 and Vittu -- Shows how much damage you did to enemies by your crosshair. DEAD CHAT v2.1 by SuicideDog -- Talk to the other team via voicecomm while dead. LOADING SOUNDS v1.0 by [OSA]Odin/White Panther -- Plays music as players connect. SPECTATOR BUG FIX v1.0 by ]FUSION[ Gray Death -- Fixes the bug when ducking and being killed. "SHOWNDEAD" SCOREBOARD FIX v0.9.4 by EJ/Vantage/Mouse -- Fixes connecting players from showing up on a team. FIX ECHO SOUNDS v1.0 by Throstur -- Fixes echo sounds on some maps. AFK BOMB TRANSFER v1.4 by VEN, revised by Doombringer/Deviance-- Transfers the Bomb to another player if AFK C4 TIMER v1.1 by Cheat_Suit STATS MARQUEE v1.2 by Travo SPAWN PROTECTION v7.1 by Peli Revised for Glow On/Off by KaszpiR Some code change by Bmann_420
Client Commands:
say /gravity - Shows the current gravity say /fixsound - Fixes echo sounds say /admin(s) - Shows how many admins in the server and the names of the admins say /spec - brings you to spec with no kill say /unspec - brings you back into the game when the round begins[/color]
Admin Commands: Good/Fun
amx_glow <nick, #userid, authid, or @team/@all> <color> (or) <rrr> <ggg> <bbb> <aaa> -- lasts 1 round") amx_glow2 <nick, #userid, authid, or @team/@all> <color> (or) <rrr> <ggg> <bbb> <aaa> -- lasts forever") amx_glowcolors (Shows all the colors you can use. 30 of em!) amx_givemoney <nick, #userid or authid> <amount> amx_takemoney <nick, #userid or authid> <amount> amx_godmode <nick, #userid or @team> [0|1|2] - 0=OFF 1=ON 2=ON + ON EACH ROUND amx_noclip <nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1|2] - 0=OFF 1=ON 2=ON + ON EACH ROUND amx_weapon <nick, #userid, authid or @team> <weapon #> amx_revive <nick, #userid, authid or @team> amx_speed <nick> [0|1] amx_slay2 <nick, #userid, authid or @team> [1-Lightning|2-Blood|3-Explode] amx_rocket <nick, #userid, authid or @team> amx_fire <nick, #userid or authid> amx_uberslap <nick, #userid or authid> amx_heal <nick, #userid, authid or @team> <HP to give> amx_armor <nick, #userid, authid or @team> <armor to give> amx_stack <nick, #userid or authid> [0|1|2]
amx_team (same as amx_transfer just easier to use with / command) Bind +adminvoice (admin voice comm) amx_sptime <1 through 10 to set Spawn Protection time> amx_spmessage <1 = Turn Spawn Protection Message on , 0 = Turn Spawn Protection message off> amx_spshellthickness <1 through 100 to set Glow Shellthickness> amx_spglow <1 = turn on glow, 0 =turn off glow> amx_drug <nick> (Drugs the player for a minute or so) amx_badaim <player> <On/off or length of time: 1|0|time> <Save?: 1|0>: Turn on/off bad aim on a player. amx_flash <nick, #userid, authid or @team> - Flashes players amx_lock <CT/T/Auto/Spec> - Locks selected team amx_unlock <CT/T/Auto/Spec> - Unlocks selected team amx_transfer <name> <CT/T/Spec> Transfers that player to the specified team amx_swap <name 1> <name 2> Swaps two players with eachother amx_teamswap - Swaps two teams with eachother admin_unammo <nick, #userid or @team> [0|1] - 0=OFF 1=ON amx_quit <nick, #userid, authid or @team> amx_gag <nick, #userid or authid> <a|b|c> <time> - Flags: a = Normal Chat | b = Team Chat | c = Voicecomm amx_ungag <nick, #userid or authid> amx_bury <nick, #userid, authid or @team> amx_unbury <nick, #userid, authid or @team> amx_disarm <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
amx_extend <added time to extend> : ex. 5, if you want to extend it five more minutes. amx_shutdown - Shuts down the server amx_exec <nick or @team> <command> amx_pass <server password> amx_nopass - Removes the server password amx_status - Shows a detailed list of info on players amx_alltalk [1 = ON | 0 = OFF] amx_gravity <gravity #> soundfix
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